At the moment I am still waiting for the main pcb assemblies to arrive which have been delayed a few times since late December. They are scheduled now to ship to me on or before Jan 19. I will be able to start shipping the current run within about two days of receiving the pcbs since we have everything else finished and waiting/have already assembled/verified several rev k pcbs and they are working great . At that time I will open up the balance payment option in the store and we will finally get these moving out. I will also open more orders around the same time, if not a few days before.
I wish to extend a special thank you to people waiting on the last batch for their patience, we are extremely close to shipping this project.

Good luck Scott, these are amazing!
Keep up the good work!
thank you sir. hope to see you around soon!
thanks as well.
Best pedal released in years! Can't wait to buy one!
I'm waiting it from September, but I know it was worth it.
Waiting for your mail....
Thank for the infomation, great job Scott!!!
Thanks for keeping us updated Scott! Any interesting changes from rev j to rev k?
On rev K we improved the sound quality a bit. Otherwise there is not much difference. The new board will ship with an updated firmware that has some extra features but we will also release that firmware for all the older versions too, so they are not exclusive to the new board per se.
Excellent! I can't wait to get mine!
Scott, you mentioned you're opening up more orders. Is that for this run or for a future run? Hoping the former rather than the latter, but that may be wishful thinking!
it would be for a new run, sorry! we will post details soon.
Any chance the new run will be ready by July/August? I'll be visiting Montreal and would love to pick one up :)
Hello! I' m french and i didnt understand when this Wonderful pedal is going to be sold!
I have my brother living in Montréal. He could buy one for me. Do we have to reserve ?
Yes a new run would be done before that.
Je vais prendre plus de commandes dans environ une semaine. Votre frère peut en prendre un quand ils sont prêts. :)
Missed out on the pre order. So will have to pick up next time. Some pedals are worth the wait.
Thank you very much !!! And thanks For the french answer !
all I can say is that I'm so happy to see these babies come from the way back GB24. an idea come to full fruition and genius.
keep 'em comin' gleep glop.
Avez vous une idée de quand ils seront prêts:/?
Merci encore pour les réponses !
Je pense que je vais prendre plus de commandes cette semaine ou la suivante. Ils seront réalisés dans environ deux ou trois mois ou moins. Il peut y avoir une certaine supplémentaire à partir de ce lot disponible plus tôt, restez à l'écoute.
So, have those main PCB assemblies arrived yet?
@one male
They have finally shipped today, I will have them hopefully tomorrow or Monday. I will send out the final update when I receive them. In the meantime we added a few more small features to the pedal to make the wait more worth while.
"we added a few more small features to the pedal" Oooooooo! do tell! SO EXCITED!
I made a small post about it here a few days afo
Both additions are based on previous user feedback so it might not make too much sense to someone who hasn't used one, but on top of the "transcendence" feature, probably the additional modification to mode 2 is the most significant/fun upgrade.
Thanks for the update @Scott , sounds like it won't be long now.
@one male
we have opened the payments and will be starting to ship next week. I received the boards Friday afternoon and they are looking good. cheers.
Looking forward to it!
@Scott, I presume you'll be emailing us the tracking nrs and all (after paying the balance + shipping, which I did..) and you'll be dispatching the first pedals this week. Am I right?
@one male
Yes please check the information in the notification email I sent. The answer to both questions was in that. (yes and yes).
Thanks @Scott , my bad then. Cheers.
@one male
no worries, just to save me retyping it all here, plus there is additional useful info. :)
Any news regarding firmware update for the previous version(s)?
Great job! I appreciate your efforts to innovate in PCBs. Guys like you are the future of Printed circuit board industry. I am glad I found your blog. I wish you all the very best for your future endeavours.
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